Is It Time To Bid Your Water Heater Farewell? Watch For These Clues!
Thanks to the development of water heaters, hot showers and cozy baths are just a twist of the faucet away! However, all good things do come to an end, and water heaters aren't immune to the ravages of time. It's crucial to recognize the signs of a failing water heater so you know when yours is ready to give up the ghost. In this post, we're going to pull back the curtain on hints that your water heater might be due for retirement. Read on and learn what you should be watching for!
Keep An Eye Out For These Signs Of A Failing Water Heater
Age Matters, Even for Water Heaters
If your water heater is pushing double digits in age, it's time to start prepping for a replacement. Most conventional water heaters last around 10-15 years, and as they age, their efficiency tends to decline. Keep an eye on the birthdate of your trusty appliance and plan its retirement party accordingly.
Rust and Corrosion Show Their True Colors
Check your water heater for any signs of rust or watch for rusty water flowing from your faucets. Rust and corrosion within your water heater are clear indicators of aging and potential failure. Once the rust takes hold, it's only a matter of time before your water heater needs its last rites.
Unsettling Rumbling and Banging Sounds
Is your water heater making going bump in the night? Loud rumbling or banging sounds may suggest a buildup of sediment at the bottom of the tank. This sediment can reduce efficiency and, over time, lead to irreversible damage. If your water heater sounds like Phil Collins is trapped inside, it's time to consider an upgrade.
Inconsistent Temperature Control
Are your morning showers playing a surprise game of "gotcha" with cold water? Inconsistent water temperatures may indicate a failing heating element or a malfunctioning thermostat. If your water heater can't maintain a consistent temperature, it's time to show it the exit.
Persistent Leaks and Puddles:
Water heaters aren't meant to double as splash pad features. If you notice persistent leaks or find puddles around your water heater, it's a clue that something is amiss. Leaks can lead to serious damage and mold growth, so it's essential to address the issue promptly. Save the water games for summer and invest in a new water heater.
Skyrocketing Energy Bills:
Is your energy bill reaching new heights without any noticeable changes in usage? An aging water heater tends to become less energy-efficient over time, resulting in higher utility bills. If your wallet is feeling the heat, it might be a good idea to replace your water heater with a more efficient model, saving both power and money in the long run.
LBA Can Help You Pick The Perfect Replacement Water Heater
Your water heater may not come with an expiration date, but it does provide subtle clues when it's time for retirement. Keep an eye out for these signs, and you'll be well-prepared to bid farewell to your old water heater and welcome the soothing warmth of a shiny new one. Whether it's a regular water heater or a tankless model, the pro plumbers here at LBA can help you determine what will work best for your home and usage, and install it with extreme precision and care. If you're seeing these signs in your water heater, give us a call at 913-268-6822 today!